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Toddlers are ready to discover the world around them! Our friendly and bright toddler classroom provides age-appropriate learning centers where children can choose play areas of interest. Our typical toddler classroom has a comfortable quiet area to curl up in with a favorite book, lots of materials for science experiments and a dramatic play area for performances. 

Having just the right number of activities for just the right amount of time is essential for a toddler’s success. Circle time includes interactive greetings, weather, songs and stories. Activities and art projects focus on learning concepts, language skills, letters, numbers, shapes and colors. Teachers engage each child individually in conversations to encourage growing language skills. Children are allowed to experience these milestones at their own pace while receiving praise and encouragement throughout the process. 

Our exclusive toddler curriculum is flexible and designed to meet the individual needs of each child in the classroom.


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The preschool years are a time of great creativity and social growth. We plan a day full of engaging experiences that optimize these, and all other forms of development.  Children are encouraged to make choices for themselves, cooperate with others as well as listen and follow directions.

During the course of the program the classroom teachers lead the children in small and large group activities, such as movement, read-a-loud stories, circle time and art activities. The children are encouraged to make friends, share and communicate with their classmates. The Preschoolers engage in a variety of learning centers which offer materials to help stimulate young imaginative minds.


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Even after school's out for the day, children need to be engaged in a comfortable, yet stimulating child care environment. Our before- and after-school child care program allows kindergarten children to balance learning and fun through a variety of experiences.  Our areas of focus give your child endless opportunities to learn and grow. 

During Kindergarten children develop maturity and independence. Our child care providers offer a stimulating yet challenging environment designed to increase each child’s sense of self-esteem, self-concept, self-worth and sense of belonging and help them form a strong cognitive basis for the school years to follow. The classroom atmosphere promotes children’s interest and exploration needs.


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Our school-age program emphasizes a safe, organized, and supervised environment responsive to the interests and developmental needs of your child. Our program balances time to learn with time to play with friends, and finishing homework with sports and learning activities.

At this stage of childhood education, children want to discover who they are and to pursue their own interests. They want opportunities to create things, explore acting and drama, master computers, discover new books, and construct imaginary worlds with various materials. Our program is there to encourage a child's desire for new challenges and opportunities that celebrate their expanding world. We also encourage children to take an active role in shaping their experience.